As a blog’s content can be modified, we need to have an archive of your blog at the time it is submitted for assessment. For this reason, we suggest that you save them as PDF files by using your browser's print function, or use tools such as BlogBooker ( or PrintFriendly (
- Open the Printfriendly -website
- Copy and paste your blog address to the box entitled 'Copy and Paste a URL'
- Click 'print preview'
The tool will convert your blog to PDF preview mode. You can then click 'PDF' and 'Download your PDF' to download the file to your computer. This tool is quite easy to use and quick in generating the PDF file with good quality images from your blog. However, the hidden content of any blog post needs to be open so that the tool can read it to print.
In addition to submitting your archived blog, please remember also to include the link to your live blog or send us ( the invitation to view it (if it is set as a private blog).
Printing page as a PDF with your Browser
Most web browsers have an option to save a web page as a PDF. Most students choose this option since it is really straight forward and easy.
Here is how you save a page as a PDF with Chrome:
- Open one of your posts in Chrome, then press Ctrl+P (or Command-P) to open the Print dialog
- Change the destination printer to “Save as PDF”
- Click the “Print” button and the webpage will download as a PDF document.
- Then do the same thing with other posts, and submit those as separate PDFs to the portal.
- Open one of your posts in Chrome, then press Ctrl+P (or Command-P) to open the Print dialog
- Change the destination printer to “Save as PDF”
- Click the “Print” button and the webpage will download as a PDF document.
- Then do the same thing with other posts, and submit those as separate PDFs to the portal.
If you have not tried Printfriendly, here is a brief 'How-to guide':- Open the Printfriendly -website
- Copy and paste your blog address to the box entitled 'Copy and Paste a URL'
- Click 'print preview'
The tool will convert your blog to PDF preview mode. You can then click 'PDF' and 'Download your PDF' to download the file to your computer. This tool is quite easy to use and quick in generating the PDF file with good quality images from your blog. However, the hidden content of any blog post needs to be open so that the tool can read it to print.
If you use BlogBooker, you have to export your blog content and bring it into BlogBooker to convert it to PDF. There are instructions on the BlogBooker website on how to export your blog content, depending on which blog you are using (e.g. Blogger or WordPress.) Unfortunately, Weebly and Wix are currently not supported by this service, though that feature may be added in the future.In addition to submitting your archived blog, please remember also to include the link to your live blog or send us ( the invitation to view it (if it is set as a private blog).
Hi Milla
ReplyDeleteI found this really helpful, thank you.